Yoga - Pilates - TRX - Personal Training

Vinyasa Yoga

Yoga means union of opposites like sthira and sukha - steadiness and ease. Vinyasa means movement. In dynamic vinyasa flow - or 1 breath 1 movement- classes we unite breath and movement, practice to stand steady yet with ease, strengthen muscles and the cardiovascular system while improving flexibility and finding inner peace and awareness through movement. Be fully present on your mat and enjoy the meditative effect of dynamic power vinyasa flow classes. 

Yin & Nidra

Yin Yoga is a very meditative form of yoga. We hold seated and lying asanas for a minimum of 3 minutes to stretch and revitalise the fascia and connective tissue - the main players in the development of lower back pain and joint stiffness - and to open the meridians for the flow of prana. The goal of yin is to let go - physically, emotionally, mentally - to return to the essence of who you are.
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that changes the frequency of our brain waves inducing deep physical, mental and emotional relaxation. 
The combination of both is a perfect stress relieve, a way to deep relaxation and happiness and an aid in preventing sickness by boosting your immune system.

Ashtanga Vinyasa

In Sanskrit asta means eight, anga limb. Ashtanga Yoga is the eight-limbed path of yoga. The sage Patanjali describes in the yoga sutras the 8 aspects of yoga as limbs of a tree. Ashtanga Vinyasa is a very dynamic form of yoga and a set series of asanas which, when practiced with awareness, allows the 8 limbs to sprout. The fundamental aspects of Ashtanga are: Ujjayi breath, bandhas, dristhi, and vinyasa.



TRX - total body resistance exercise - is an effective full body suspension training that increases strength, coordination and flexibility with the help of your own body weight and the axial shifting of the center of gravity. Combined with the pilates principals it is suitable for all levels.


Pilates is an intense full body workout with a focus on strengthening the powerhouse (core). The following 6 principles differentiate Pilates from other excercise techniques: rib cage breathing, concentration, control, center, precision, flow of motion. 
Pilates strengthens and aligns the body from head to toe, it increases flexibility, coordination and body perception on and off the mat. Learning how to differentiate between the two spinal positions - neutral and imprinted - improves body posture, reduces back pain, prevents injuries and brings vitality. 

Personal Training

In 1:1 sessions we focus on your specific needs and abilities to enhance your physical well being.

Duration: 60 mins.
Price: 95 Euros
Location: by arrangement