The third eye and the pineal gland
Our body is like a city with many gates. Most lead to the outside world. These are our senses. Our third eye, though, is the gateway that leads within. (Upanishads)
Cleansing and activating your third eye is known as the path to higher levels of self awareness and consciousness, the path to your intuition, creativity, innermost wisdom, and as a direct gateway to your higher self. Decartes called the third eye “the seat of the soul” and many ancient cultures all around the world knew about the third eye and saw it as a source of unlimited intelligence and their direct connection to the one universal source of life. Symbols of the all-seeing eye can be found amid their ruins. Then, some day, the all-seeing eye went blind for most of us. But long forgotten knowledge is returning to modern day people and during the current uplift into 5D many people start to activate and open their third eye.
Your third eye – or pineal gland – is located in the geometrical center of your brain directly behind your eyes. Even though hidden in the skull, the pineal gland is activated by sun light. When we are relaxed and practice visualisation, the pineal gland secretes melatonin, a neurotransmitter regulating our sleep pattern and biorhythm. It also excretes DMT, which, according to scientist, is released into our blood stream during our dream phase. Dr. Rick Strassman noted that DMT is first produce by the human fetus on the 49. day – the day the soul arrives, according to Buddhism. If we open our third eye the pineal gland starts to expand into the middle of our forehead. Scientist also found out that meditation does not only change our brain waves - it also thins out the bony plate in front of our third eye.
Fancy some lucid dreams, clairvoyance and astral projection? Get your 3.eye activated. Here is how:
-use acupressure techniques on your yingtang point, between and just above your eyebrows.
-visualise your third eye chakra (Ajna Chakra) and your crown chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) in your meditations to send prana there to activate both.
-use the third eye mudra while chanting OM.
-practice sun gazing at safe hours.
-use reflexology to apply pressure on the medial side of your big toe just above the bump.
-tap your third eye with your fingertips up to 30 times.
-do alternate nostril breathing.
-apply essential oils like jasmine.
-decalcify your pineal gland with Boron, Garlic, Iodine, Sunshine, Vit D3+K2,
-avoid fluoride!
Recommended book: “Pineal Gland & your 3.eye” by Dr. Jill Wexler.
Click on the picture to listen to a guided third eye meditation!